Enhancing the R&D ecosystem to propel Malaysia as a global biotechnology hub
Biotechnology for economic growth and environmental sustainability
Promoting the nation’s prosperity through biotechnology
Implementation of STI towards the creation of a scientifically advanced nation
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8th September 2020: Bengkel Dalaman Asas Penternakan Lobster Air Tawar, Cherax Quadricarinatus (Udang Krai)
4th August 2020: NIBM Delegates visit to the Embasssy of Cuba
16 July 2020: H.E Russian Ambassador Official Visit
7th July 2020: YB Ahmad Amzad Hashim, Deputy Minister of MOSTI Official Visit
24th June 2020: YB Khairy Jamaluddin, Minister of MOSTI Official Visit
6th February 2020:YB Yeo Bee Yin, Minister of MESTECC Official Visit