
IPharmatix® Spa Kit
IPharmatix® Spa Kit is developed to offer choice to the consumers that prefer natural skincare ingredients. This spa kit is prepared using natural and assured safe ingredients to use. The main component of this kit is the cosmetic base (Hamin), which was produced using 100% palm oil. The exfoliating agents could easily be selected from ranges of ingredients that are frequently used in daily life including oats, sugars, coffee granules glutinous rice and many more!

Activate CII Facial Cleanser
Activate CII Facial Cleanser is formulated mainly using our unique natural pharmaceutical and cosmetics base made from palm oil and kernel oil components and derivatives as well as activated carbon granules, it gently removes impurities leaving skin feeling moisturised and refreshed. With activated charcoal, this unique cleanser are able to perform deep cleansing by drawing dirt, oil and other harmful substances including makeup from clogged pores. It also helps in reducing the appearance of pores and preventing future breakouts. Enriched with Vitamin C, this non-drying cleansing milk will improve damaged skin and skin elasticity. Our unique pharmaceutical and cosmetic base will lock in moisture and make you skin feeling soft and supple all day long.

Carica scrub
This gorgeous Carica scrub suitable for both face and body offers an abundance benefits to your skin. Formulated mainly using our unique natural pharmaceutical and cosmetics base made from palm oil and kernel oil components and derivatives as well as natural papaya seed oil and granules, this scrub will not only remove surface impurities but also will leave skin feeling nourished and moisturised. Papaya seeds are well known with its enriched health benefits especially to the skin. The natural texture of papaya seed granules act as natural skin exfoliator that is rich in papain enzyme and helps in softening and exfoliating dead skin off the body as well as promoting skin renewal. In vitro study has also proved the anti-bacterial activity of papaya seeds. Besides that, papaya seeds also help in reducing wrinkles, treating cracked heels, whitening and tightening the skin.

Caricalyte ORS
Caricalyte ORS is a new oral rehydration salts formula containing a balanced combination of Carica papaya standardized leaf extract, glucose, salts and electrolytes. The soluble granule replenishes water and salts and thereby helps maintain a proper fluid balance. When dissolved in water, the green granule forms a chartreuse colour solution.

Insect Repellent
This Insect Repellent is specially formulated to repel mosquitoes.

Hand Sanitizer
Instant antimicrobial disinfectant with perfumed moisturizer.

ZANTHOpalm is a new innovative nutrition drink containing Standardized Curcuma xanthorrhiza blending with our in-house 100% natural recipe. The soluble granule has synergistic effect for sustaining good health. It’s a granule form is to be dissolved in water and use as daily refreshment.

HydraFAST Effervescent Tablet
HydraFAST Effervescent Tablet is new formula containing a balanced combination of Carica papaya leaf extract, lactose, acid, base and electrolytes. The fast soluble tablet replenishes water and electrolytes lost thereby help maintain a proper body fluid balance. When dissolved in water, the green tablet forms a chartreuse colour solution.

Specific Pathogen Free Laboratory Animals
Specific Pathogen Free Laboratory Animals (with animal health monitoring report):
- Mice: BALB/c
- Mice: ARC(S)
- Rat: Sprague Dawley
- New Zealand White Rabbit

Non-Specific Pathogen-Free Laboratory Animals
Non-Specific Pathogen-Free Laboratory Animals:
- Mice: BALB/c
- Rat: Sprague Dawley

FIZZY ANNONA: Soursop Extract With Mas Cotek Herb
FIZZY ANNONA contains refreshing soursop (Annona muricata) fruit extract as the main ingredient. Soursop fruit is high in vitamin C, fibre, phosphorus, calcium and fructose. “Mas Cotek” (Ficus deltoidea) is another medicinal local herb that can be consumed by both men and women who want to remain active and healthy.

FIZZY ANNONA: Soursop Extract With Kacip Fatimah Herb
FIZZY ANNONA contains refreshing soursop (Annona muricata) fruit extract as the main ingredient. Soursop fruit is high in vitamin C, fibre, phosphorus, calcium and fructose. FIZZY ANNONA is enhanced by infusing soursop with local traditional herb “Kacip Fatimah”(Labisa pumila) in the effervescent granules that helps to improve women’s reproductive system.

Tuber of Tiger’s Milk Mushroom
Tiger’s milk mushroom is a Malaysia treasure that has various medicinal properties. The tuber (sclerotium) of tiger’s milk mushroom has been used to treat asthma, breast cancer, cough, fever, food poisoning and wound healing. This valuable mushroom has various applications in food, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries due to its medicinal value. Production of the TMM tuber by ABI has been done using a controlled cultivation technique to maintain its good quality. Each batch of the cultivated tuber has been tested to contain higher beta-glucan and better medicinal properties than the wild tiger’s milk mushroom.

Dried tuber powder of Tiger’s Milk Mushroom
Dried tuber powder of tiger’s milk mushroom (TMM) is a premium product that has been specially prepared from good quality of tubers using an optimized cultivation technique. Preparation of this TMM powder at very fine texture makes it easy to be applied as bio-ingredient for various applications. This product has been tested to contain high amount of beta-glucan, a type of bioactive polysaccharide that helps to strengthen body immune system as well as to maintain general health. The dried tuber of TMM powder is packed in sterile aluminium pack at 500g per unit.

fAzzSilage™ Starter Kit
Silage Fermentation Enhancer (Beneficial microbes to enhance silage quality for ruminant feed) is used as an enhancer for silage fermentation process. The product contains live bacterial cultures that specifically tested for silage production in Tropical Country.
Speciality of this product:
- Produce high energy and good quality silage
- Enhance and speed up the fermentation process of silage
- Effective in preventing silage spoilage
- Product safety is guaranteed- Laboratory tested
-contain selected effective live cultures
-Do not contain any harmful chemical - Scientifically proven

Agarwood Inoculum
Agarwood Inoculum formulation is served as an inducer in the formation of agarwood in Aquilaria trees. The inoculum will interact with the trees to form resin. This formulation can be injected into the Aquilaria trees from the age of 2 years and above.

LiPro®5000 Workstation
LiPro®5000 Workstation is a versatile and low cost liquid propagation / bioreactor system for mass production/growing of various types of organs and tissues, such as mycelium and young seedlings.
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