Enhancing the R&D ecosystem to propel Malaysia as a global biotechnology hub
Biotechnology for economic growth and environmental sustainability
Promoting the nation’s prosperity through biotechnology
Implementation of STI towards the creation of a scientifically advanced nation
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NIBM is committed towards delivering industry-driven solutions through science & biotechnology towards a sustainable & thriving Malaysian bio-based economy.

At a glance…

In 2005, the National Biotechnology Policy (NBP) was launched with the aim to make biotechnology as a new economic engine for the country. Among the many initiatives taken was to upgrade the three biotechnology cooperative centers (BCC) set up in 2002 into National Biotechnology Institutes in 2006. The BCCs were then named as Malaysian Institute of Pharmaceuticals & Nutraceuticals (IPHARM), Agro-Biotechnology Institute Malaysia (ABI), and Malaysia Genome & Vaccine Institute (MGVI).

Leading Biotechnology Research and Innovation with Global Presence

  • Establishing cutting edge biotechnology research, development & innovation (RDI)
  • Catalyzing partnerships, technology building blocks and product development in the local and international biotechnology ecosystem
  • Ensuring competent talent and high performing organization
  1. NIBM and its strategic partners aspire to develop technologies that benefit Humanity, useful and contributing to the society and biotech ecosystem 
  2. We embrace Integrity in all that we do, delivering what is being promised and holding ourselves accountable at every step
  3. We celebrate Diversity and believe that differences in culture, tradition and perspectives is crucial in creating a synergy that work in Unity
  4. We promise excellent Productivity, exceeding stakeholder’s expectations in everything that we do in ensuring success 

Prof. Datuk Wira Dr. Raha Abdul Rahim, FASc
Chief Executive Officer

Achieving our lofty mission and vision statements requires both structure and focus towards the tasks at hand. This firm commitment is also to support the aspirations of the recently launched National Biotechnology Policy 2.0. To that end, I’d like to introduce a new Corporate Strategy for the National Institutes of Biotechnology Malaysia (NIBM), encapsulated by the acronym BIIN@: “Biotechnology Innovations Integrating Nature”. This strategy by definition, is inherent to the core research areas of all three institutes of NIBM; Malaysia Genome and Vaccine Institute (MGVI), Agro-Biotechnology Institute (ABI), and the Malaysian Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals (IPHARM). It reflects the research, development, commercialization and innovation (R&D&I&C) of NIBM that utilizes and gives back to nature.

This Corporate Strategy is supported by NIBM’s Corporate Values which is given as HIDUP: Humanity, Integrity, Diversity, Unity, and Productivity. Each of which is of the utmost importance to be instilled by every member of NIBM, in order to be able to attain our collective goals, and that we can continue to spearhead biotechnology towards our nation’s economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Talent & Expertise Training
Repository Natural Bioresources
Market-driven & Lab to Market
Industry Partnership
Share Core Facilities
International Collaboration
No.YearTitle of PublicationsDepartmentSource of Publication (MABIC/MSMBB/MJMS/MJM)
12019Simple and Rapid Screening Test to Detect Fake Honey ProductTRPDC/SBBS
22019Potential anti-viral compounds from Malaysian Plant Natural Product Repository and Database (MyNature50000) for DENV2CSBC/PEB/TRPDC
32019Psychrotolerant actinobacteria Barrientosiimonas humi 39T as a source of diketopiperazineSBBS
42019Raw oil palm frond leaves as cost-effective substrate for cellulase and xylanase productions by Trichoderma asperellum UC1 under solid-state fermentationCSBC
52019Fungal-Assisted Valorization of Raw Oil Palm Leaves for Production of Cellulase and Xylanase in Solid State Fermentation MediaCSBC
62019Current Status and Potential Applications of Underexplored ProkaryotesCSBC/SAGC
72019Enhanced secretion of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase) by Lactococcus lactis using heterologous signal peptides and optimization of cultivation conditionsCSBC
82019Preparation of kenaf stem hemicellulosic hydrolysate and its fermentability in microbial production of xylitol by Escherichia coli BL21CSBC
92019Expression of xylanase on Escherichia coli using a truncated ice nucleation protein of Erwinia ananas (InaA)CSBC
102019Biodiversity and functional metagenomic profiling of microbial communities in Tasik Kenyir, TerengganuBCBC
112019Representative Candidate of Gelatinase Encoded Gene in Enterobacter aerogenes (Strain EA1) for Hydrolyzing Porcine GelatinBCBC
122019Comparative Metagenomics Analysis of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (Pome) Using Three Different Bioinformatics PipelinesBCBC
132019Genomic analyses of two novel biofilm-degrading methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus phagesBCBC
142019Tocotrienols Modulate Breast Cancer Secretomes and Affect Cancer-Signaling Pathways in MDAMB-231 Cells: A Label-Free Quantitative Proteomic AnalysisMSTS
152018Newcastle disease virus strain AF2240 as an oncolytic virus: A review.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff
Lab virologi (di MGI-digunakan oleh pelajar untuk jalankan kajian)
UPM (lab di UPM)
162018The Glaciozyma antarctica genome reveals an array of systems that provide sustained responses towards temperature variations in a persistently cold habitatBCBC/STS
172018Transcriptome datasets of oil palm pathogen Ganoderma boninenseBCBC
182018Genome Sequence of Serratia marcescens subsp. sakuensis Strain K27, a Marine Bacterium Isolated from Sponge (Haliclona amboinensis)BCBC
192018Experimental analysis on a novel low-temperature vacuum drying with induced nucleation technique for dewatering stingless bees honeySBBS/TRPDC
20201812-residue Epitope Displayed on Phage T7 Reacts Strongly with Antibodies against Foot-and-mouth Disease VirusNMR
212018Unravelling the adaptation strategies employed by Glaciozyma antarctica PI12 on Antarctic sea iceBCBC/STS
222018Data of the first de novo transcriptome assembly of the inflorescence of Curcuma alismatifoliaBCBC
232018Contribution of transposable elements in the plant’s genomeBCBC
242018Computational discovery and annotation of conserved small open reading frames in fungal genomesBCBC
252018De novo transcriptome resources of the lichens, Dirinaria sp. UKM-J1 and UKM-K1 collected from Jerantut and Klang, Malaysia BCBC
262018Combining Docking and Molecular Dynamic of Protease from Bacillus lehensis G1BCBC
272018Alcaligenaceae and Chromatiaceae as reliable bioindicators present in palm oil mill effluent final discharge treated by different biotreatment processesBCBC
282018Identification and Expression Profiles of Amino Acid Biosynthesis Genes from Psychrophilic Yeast, Glaciozyma antarcticaBCBC
292018RNA-seq Data of the Jatropha curcas L. Shoot SystemBCBC
302018De Novo Transcriptome Sequencing and Identification of Upregulated Genes Involved in Phenylpropanoid Pathway of Acacia mangium in Response to Ceratocystis InfectionBCBC
312018Alstoscholactine and Alstolaxepine, Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids with γ-Lactone-Bridged Cycloheptane and Oxepane Moieties from Alstonia scholaris. SBBS
322018Analysis of Entamoeba histolytica Membrane Proteome Using Three Extraction MethodsMSTS
332018Comparison of gel-aided sample preparation (GASP) and two in-solution digestion workflows for proteomic analysis using Saccharomyces cerevisiae lysateMSTS
342018Purification and characterization of dehalogenase from Bacillus cereus SN1 isolated from cow dungPEB
352017MS 2683:2017 Kelulut (Stingless bee) honey-SpecificationTRPDC (sebahagian)
362017Cloning, Production and Characterization of a Glycoside Hydrolase Family 7 Enzyme from the Gut Microbiota of the Termite Coptotermes curvignathusPEB
372017New Trend in Stingless bee Honey Quality Analysis: Handbook of Meliponiculture, Indo Malayan Stingless Bee Clade Abu hassan Jalil & David W. Roubik (Chapter 19)TRPD/SBBS/SAGC/BCBC
382017Characterization and potential applications of a recombinant antifreeze protein from an antarctic yeast Glaciozyma antartica produces in Pichia pastorisPEB
392017RNA- seq data from different developmental stages of Rafflesia cantleyi floral budsBCBC
402017Bacterial community shift revealed Chromatiaceae and Alcaligenaceae as potential bioindicators in the receiving river due to palm oil effluent final discharge.BCBC
412017Investigation on the antimicrobial activities of gingers (Etlingera coccinea (Blume) S.Sakai & Nagam and Etlingera sessilanthera R.M.Sm) endemic to BorneoSBBS
4220173D modelling of the pathogenic Leptospira protein LipL32: A bioinformatics approachBCBC
432017Identification of α-tocopherol as a bioactive component of Dicranopteris linearis with disrupting property against pre-formed biofilm of Staphylococcus aureusSBBS
442017Data for proteome analysis of Bacillus lehensis G1 in starch-containing mediumformer ED: Prof Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
452017Proteome-based identification of signal peptides for improved secretion of recombinant cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase in Escherichia coli .former ED: Prof Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
462017Identification of sRNA mediated responses to nutrient depletion in Burkholderia pseudomalleiBCBC
472016Tailoring Peptidomimetics Antifreeze Protein From Exotic Antarctic MarineFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
482016Cohort profile: The Malaysian Cohort (TMC) project: a prospective study of non-communicable diseases in a multi-ethnic populationFormer ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
492016Targeting Staphylococcus aureus Toxins: A Potential form of Anti-Virulence TherapyFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Shiela Nathan
502016Production of an oligosaccharide-specific cellobiohydrolase from the thermophilicformer ED: Prof Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
512016Thermotolerance and molecular chaperone function of an SGT1-like protein from the psychrophilic yeast, Glaciozyma antarcticaformer ED: Prof Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
522016Detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei toxin-mediated inhibition of protein synthesis using a Caenorhabditis elegans ugt–29 biosensorFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Sheila Nathan
532016Adaptation of NoV LAMP Primers by PCR for Highly Sensitive Detection of Noroviruses in WaterPEP
542016New Improved Mammalian Expression SystemFormer ED: Dr. Zulkeflie Zamrod
552016Structure Prediction of a Novel Exo-β-1, 3-Glucanase: Insights into the Cold Adaptation of Psychrophilic Yeast Glaciozymaformer ED: Prof Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
562016Crystal structure of Fuculose aldolase from an Antarctic psychrophilic yeast, Glaciozyma antarctica PI12former ED: Prof Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
572016Expression and characterization of thermostable glycogen branching enzyme from Geobacillus mahadia Geo-05Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
dan BCBC
582016Perigone Lobe Transcriptome Analysis Provides Insights into Rafflesia cantleyi Flower DevelopBCBC
592015Dengue death with evidence of hemophagocytic syndrome and dengue virus infection in the bone marrowProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
602015Independent Emergence of the Cosmopolitan Asian Chikungunya Virus, Philippines 2012Prof. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
612015Full genome SNP-based phylogenetic analysis reveals the origin and global spread of Brucella melitensisProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
622015IL-10 and IL-12B gene polymorphisms in a multiethnic Malaysian populationProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
632015High Producing Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Gene Alleles in Protection against Severe Manifestations of DengueProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
642015A novel rare copy number variant of the ABCF1 gene identified among dengue fever patients from Peninsular MalaysiaProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
652015Comparison of real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays for the detection of dengue virusProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
662015Identification of potential diagnostic markers in colorectal cancer via integrated epigenomic and genomic dataProf. Datuk Dr A Rahman A Jamal -UMBI
672015Comparison of RNA extraction methods for transcript analysis from the psychrophilic yeast, Glaciozyma antarctica.Prof. Dr. Mohd Nazalan Mohd Najimudin-USM
682015Bioinformatics survey of the metal usage by psychrophilic yeast Glaciozyma antarctica PI12. 2015.Prof. Dr. Mohd Nazalan Mohd Najimudin-USM
692015Stable integration of mgfp5 transgenes following Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Boesenbergia rotunda cell suspension cultureProf. Dr. Norzulaani Khalid- UM
702015Global transcriptional analysis of Burkholderia pseudomallei high and low biofilm producers reveals insights into biofilm production and virulence.Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
712015Enhanced intracellular survival and epithelial cell adherence abilities of Burkholderia pseudomallei morphotypes are dependent on differential expression of virulence-associated proteins during mid-logarithmic growth phase.Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
722015Altered proteome of Burkholderia pseudomallei colony variants induced by exposure to human lung epithelial cells.Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
732015A Sco protein among the hypothetical proteins of Bacillus lehensis G1: Its 3D macromolecular structure and association with Cytochrome C OxidaseBCBC
742015Full genome SNP-based phylogenetic analysis reveals the origin and global spread of Brucella melitensiBCBC
752015Stable integration of mgfp5 transgenes following Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Boesenbergia rotunda cell suspension cultureProf. Dr. Norrzulani Khalid-UM
762015Genome Mining For Glycoside Hydrolases From The Psychrophilic Yeast Glaciozyma antarctica PI12Former ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
772015Hepatitis B virus peptide inhibitors: solution structures and interactions with the viral capsidSBBS
782015IL-10 and IL-12B gene polymorphisms in a multiethnic Malaysian populationProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar-UM
792015Independent Emergence of the Cosmopolitan Asian Chikungunya Virus, Philippines 2012fasiliti Sequencing di MGI
Prof. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar-UM
802015High Producing Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha GeneAlleles in Protection against Severe Manifestations of DengueProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar-UM
812015Dengue death with evidence of hemophagocytic syndrome and dengue virus infection in the bone marrowfasiliti Sequencing di MGI
Prof. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar-UM
822015In Silico Characterisation Of The Glaciozyma Antarctica Genome: Mining The Molecular ChaperonesFormer ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
832015MESA Protein Identified in the Serum of Plasmodium falciparum-Infected PatientsMSTS
842015Modulation of transglycosylation and improved malto-oligosaccharide synthesis by protein engineering of maltogenic amylase from Bacillus lehensis G1Structural Biology
852015Structural prediction of a novel laminarinase from the psychrophilic Glaciozyma antarctica PI12 and its temperature adaptation analysisProf. Dr. Rosli Illias-UTM
862015Development of repeatable arrays of proteins using immobilized DNA microplate (RAPID-M) technologyStructural Biology
872015Characterisation and stabilisation of recombinant Humicola insolens endoglucanase produced in Pichia pastorisPEB
882014High level expression of Glomerella cingulata cutinase in dense cultures of Pichia pastoris grown under fed-batch conditionsProf. Datuk Abu Bakar Salleh- UPM
892014Sequence analysis of the PIP5K locus in Eimeria maxima provides further evidence for eimerian genome plasticity and segmental organization.Prof. Dr. Wan Kiew Lian-UKM
902014Genomic analysis of the causative agents of coccidiosis in domestic chickensProf. Dr. Wan Kiew Lian-UKM
912014A comparative genomic analysis of the alkali tolerant soil bacteriumFormer ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
922014Integrated analysis of copy number variation and genome-wide expression profiling in colorectal cancer using macro dissected tissuesProf. Datuk Dr A Rahman A Jamal -UMBI
932014Exploring breast carcinogenesis through integrative genomics and epigenomics analyses.Prof. Datuk Dr A Rahman A Jamal -UMBI
942014Molecular cloning, expression and characterisation of AFP4, an antifreeze protein from Glaciozyma antarctica.Prof. Dr. Mohd Nazalan Mohd Najimudin-USM
952014Optimization of Lipase-Catalysed Synthesis of N-Trans-Feruloyltyramine Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM).Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
962014Enzymatic Production of a Solvent-Free Menthyl Butyrate Using a Thermostable Lipase from Geobacillus zalihae Via Responsonse Surface Methodology”Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
972014Asymmetric Michael Reaction Catalyzed by Mimicked Peptides Based on Promiscuous Aldo-Ketoreductase.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
982014Transcriptome profiling shows gene regulation patterns in a flavonoid pathway in response to exogenous phenylalanine in Boesenbergia rotunda cell culture.Prof. Dr. Norzulaani Khalid- UM
992014The Characterisation of an Alkali-Stable Maltogenic Amylase from Bacillus lehensis G1 and Improved Malto-Oligosaccharide Production by Hydrolysis Suppression.former ED: Prof Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
1002014Functional characterisations of effector protein BipC, a type III secretion system protein, in Burkholderia pseudomallei pathogenesisFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1012014New to Galleria mellonella: Modeling an ExPec infectionFasiliti C. Elegans
Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1022014Detoxification Related Genes in Gut of Coptotermes curvignathusFormer ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
1032014Gene discovery in the developing xylem tissue of a tropical timber tree species: Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser (kelampayan)BCBC
1042013Production of selected flavonoids in rhizome, callus and cell suspension cultures of Boesenbergia rotunda Prof. Dr. Norzulaani Khalid -UM
1052013Optimization of parameters for improvement of phenol degradation by Rhodococcus UKMP-5M using response surface methodology.Prof. Emeritus Dr. Abdul Latif Ibrahim -UNISEL
1062013Sequence and structural investigation of a novel psychrophilic α-amylase from Glaciozyma antarctica PI12 for cold-adaptation analysis.Former ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
1072013Review of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Fatal Cases Seen Among Adults: A Retrospective StudyProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
1082013Dengue virus type 1 clade replacement in recurring homotypic outbreaksProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
1092013Potential Biomarkers through Genome-wide Expression Analysis in Breast Cancer.Prof. Datuk Dr A Rahman A Jamal -UMBI
1102013Thermal stress responses in antarctic yeast, Glaciozyma antarctiv=ca characterized real-time PCR.Prof. Dr. Mohd Nazalan Mohd Najimudin-USM
FROM THE PSYCHROPHILIC YEAST Glaciozyma antarctica PI12Prof. Dr. Mohd Nazalan Mohd Najimudin-USM
1122013Lipase-catalysed Amino Sugar Derivative in Tri-solvent Mixture.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1132013Various polar tripeptides as asymmetric organocatalyst in direct aldol reactions in aqueous media.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1142013Novel Octapeptide as an Asymmetric Catalyst Michael Reaction in Aqueous Media.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1152013Enantioselectivity Investigation of Short Polar Peptides with Different Position in the Michael Reaction.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1162013Optimization of microwave-assisted Michael addition reaction catalyzed by L-proline in ionic liquid medium using response surface methodology. Synthetic Communications (in press).Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1172013Modeling Stability and Flexibility of α-Chymotrypsin in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1182013Application of the Artificial Neural Network and Response Surface Methodology Models for Predicting the Enzymatic Synthesis of Betulinic Acid Ester: A comparative study.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1192013Highly efficient plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis from cell suspension cultures of Boesenbergia rotundaProf. Dr. Norzulaani Khalid- UM
1202013Burkholderia pseudomallei: An update on disease, virulence and host interactionFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1212013Burkholderia pseudomallei suppresses Caenorhabditis elegans immunity by specific degradation of a GATA transcription factorFasiliti C. elegans
Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1222013In situ hybridization to detect and identify Burkholderia pseudomallei in human melioidosisFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1232013Infection of Burkholderia cepacia induces homeostatic responses in the host for their prolonged survival: the microarray perspectiveFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1242012Secretory expression and characterization of a highly Ca2+-activated thermostable L2 lipase.Prof. Datuk Abu Bakar Salleh- UPM
1252012Locally isolated yeast from Malaysia: Identification, phylogenetic study and characterization.Prof. Datuk Abu Bakar Salleh- UPM
1262012Flavonoid biosynthesis genes putatively identified in the aromatic plant Polygonum minus via expressed sequences tag (EST) analysis.Prof. Dr. Normah Mohd Noor-UKM
1272012Metabolic profiling of Lactococcus lactis under different culture conditionsProf. Dr. Normah Mohd Noor-UKM
1282012GC-MS Analysis and PLS-DA validation of the trimethylsilyl-derivatization techniquesProf. Dr. Normah Mohd Noor-UKM
1292012Monoterpene alcohol metabolism: Identification, purification, and characterization of two geraniol dehydrogenase isoenzymes from Polygonum minusProf. Dr. Normah Mohd Noor-UKM
1302012Burkholderia pseudomallei transcriptional adaptation in macrophages.Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1312012An intelligent data preprocessing of complex datasets.Prof. Madya. Dr. Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussien-UKM
1322012CMD: A Database to store the Bonding States of Cysteine Motifs with Secondary StructuresProf. Madya. Dr. Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussien-UKM
1332012Cloning, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the Burkholderia pseudomallei L1 ribosomal protein. Prof. Rahmah Mohamed-UKM
Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1342012Molecular characterization of hepcidin in the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) provides insights into its role in innate immune response.Dr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
Prof Wan Kiew Lian
1352012Isolation and characterization of novel microsatellite loci for Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer from Genome Sequence Survey (GSS) database Dr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
1362012Evolution of the ferritin family in vertebrates.Dr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
1372012Phylogenetic analyses uncover a novel class of transfer in non-mammalian vertebrates.Dr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
1382012Cryptocaryon irritans infection induces the acute phase response in Lates calcarifer: A transcriptome perspectiveDr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
1392012EmaxDB: Availability of a first draft genome sequence for the apicomplexan Eimeria maxima.Prof. Dr. Wan Kiew Lian-UKM
1402012Insights into the genome structure and copy-number variation of Eimeria tenella.Prof. Dr. Wan Kiew Lian-UKM
1412012Characterisation of full-length cDNA sequences provides insights into the Eimeria tenella transcriptome.Prof. Dr. Wan Kiew Lian-UKM
1422012Optimization of a Heterologous Signal Peptide by Site-Directed Mutagenesis for Improved Secretion of Recombinant Proteins in Escherichia coliProf. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias-UTM
1432012Overexpression, purification and characterization of the Aspergillus niger endoglucanase, EglA, in Pichia pastoris. Prof. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
1442012Development and validation of a medium for recombinant endo-β-1,4-xylanase production by Kluyveromyces lactis using a statistical experimental design. Prof. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
1452012Optimisation of a heterologous signal peptide by site-directed mutagenesis for improved secretion of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli.Former ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
1462012Structural prediction of a novel chitinase from the psychrophilic Glaciozyma antarctica PI12 and an analysis of its structural properties and function.Former ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
1472012Characterization of Afp1, an antifreeze protein from the psychrophilic yeast Glaciozyma antarctica PI12.Former ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
1482012Flavone Enhances Dengue Virus Type-2 (NGC Strain) Infectivity and Replication in Vero CellsProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
1492012Novel antiviral activity of baicalein against dengue virusProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
1502012Unusual developing sites of dengue vectors and potential epidemiological implicationsProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
1512012Emergence of dengue virus genotype 3 subgenotype III in MalaysiaProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
1522012Purifying selection in the evolution of dengue virus type 1 in MalaysiaProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
1532012Fatal cases associated with secondary dengue infectionProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
1542012Enzymatic Esterification of Fatty Acid Esters by Tetraethylammonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids-Coated Candida rugosa Lipase,Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1552012Swelling and Dissolution of Oil Palm Biomass in Ionic Liquids.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1562012Response Surface Modeling and Optimization of Immobilized Candida Antarctica Lipase-Catalyzed Production of Dicarboxylic Acid Ester,Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1572012Microwave Assisted Enzymatic Synthesis of Fatty Acid Sugar Ester in Ionic Liquid – tert-Butanol Biphasic Solvent System.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1582012Biocatalytic Production of Lactose Ester Catalyzed by Mica-Based Immobilized Lipase.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1592012Unlocking the Mystery Behind the Activation Phenomenon of T1 Lipase: A Molecular Dynamics Simulations ApproachFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1602012Solution Structures, Dynamics, and Ice Growth Inhibitory Activity of Peptide Fragments Derived from an Antarctic Yeast Protein.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1612012Enzyme-facilitated Synthesis of 1-Nonene Oxide and Simple GC-MS SIM Method For Rapid Screening of Epoxidation Processes.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1622012Optimisation of lipase-mediated synthesis of 1-nonene oxide using phenylacetic acid and hydrogen peroxide.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1632012Improved Enzymatic Galactose Oleate Ester Synthesis in Ionic Liquids.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1642012Engineering Catalytic Efficiency of Thermophilic Lipase from Geobacillus Zalihae by Hydrophobic Residue Mutation Near the Catalytic Pocket,Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1652012Manipulation of the Conformation and Enzymatic Properties of T1 Lipase by Site-Directed Mutagenesis of the Protein CoreFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1662012Combination of oxyanion Gln114 mutation and medium engineering to influence the enantioselectivity of thermophilic lipase from Geobacillus zalihae.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1672012Lipase Catalysed Synthesis of N-Trans-Feruloyltyramine and a Quantitative HPLC-UV Method For Analysis.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1682012Lipase-catalyzed Synthesis of Ergosterol EsterFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1692012Optimization of Enzymatic Synthesis of Eugenol Ester Using Statistical Approaches,Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1702012Lipase Catalyzed Synthesis of Anticancer Compound: 3b-(3-Methyl Phthalyl)-lup-20(29)-ene-28-oic.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1712012Hydrogen production performance by Enterobacter cloacae KBH3 isolated from termite guts.Prof. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
1722012Pre-treatment effect of palm oil mill effluent (POME) during hydrogen production by a local isolate clostridium butyricum.Prof. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
1732012A study on Glycerolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunch fiberProf. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
1742012Solution Structures, Dynamics, and Ice Growth Inhibitory Activity of Peptide Fragments Derived from an Antarctic Yeast ProteinFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
1752012The effect of environmental conditions on biofilm formation of Burkholderia pseudomallei clinical isolatesFasiliti C. elegans
Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1762012Immunogenic recombinant Burkholderia pseudomallei MprA serine protease elicits protective immunity in miceFasiliti C. elegans
Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1772012Burkholderia pseudomallei kills Caenorhabditis elegans through virulence mechanisms distinct from intestinal lumen colonizationFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1782012Delayed activation of host innate immune pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic hosts leads to more severe disease during infection with Burkholderia pseudomalleiFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1792011Rapid micropropagation of Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. Kultura Fl. From shoot bud explants – A valuable medicinal plantProf. Dr. Norzulaani Khalid -UM
1802011Efficient propagation of Boesenbergia rotunda by shoot regeneration from callus – An important medicinal plantProf. Dr. Norzulaani Khalid -UM
1812011Optimization of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis protocols for Boesenbergia rotunda in vitro suspension culture.Prof. Dr. Norzulaani Khalid -UM
1822011Charaterising Yeast Isolates from Malaysia towards the Development of Alternative Heterologous Protein Expression SystemProf. Datuk Abu Bakar Salleh- UPM
Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1832011The effect of carbon source on thermostable L2 lipase expression by recombinant Pichia pastoris.Prof. Datuk Abu Bakar Salleh- UPM
1842011Molecular systematics of Polygonum minus huds. based on ITS sequences.Prof. Dr. Normah Mohd Noor-UKM
1852011Foliar anatomy and micromorphology of Polygonum minus Huds. and their taxonomic implications. Australian Journal of Crop Science 4(1):37-48.Prof. Dr. Normah Mohd Noor-UKM
1862011Identification of cDNAs for jasmonic acid-responsive genes in Polygonum minus roots by suppression subtractive hybridization.Prof. Dr. Normah Mohd Noor-UKM
1872011Detection of toluene degradation in isolated bacteria from contaminated soils.Prof. Emeritus Dr. Abdul Latif Ibrahim -UNISEL
1882011Bioremediation of Cyanide by Optimized Resting Cells of Rhodococcus Strains Isolated from Peninsular Malaysia.Prof. Emeritus Dr. Abdul Latif Ibrahim -UNISEL
1892011Immunogenic Eimeria tenella glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored surface antigens (SAGs) induce inflammatory responses in avian macrophages.Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1902011A protein short motif search tool using amino acid sequence and their secondary structure assignmentProf. Madya. Dr. Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussien-UKM
1912011EuDBase: An online resource for automated EST analysis pipeline (ESTFrontier) and database for red seaweed Eucheuma denticulatumProf. Madya. Dr. Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussien-UKM
1922011A proposed design for a suite of bioinformatics analysis tools.Prof. Madya. Dr. Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussien-UKM
1932011Cloning, purification and crystallographic analysis of a hypothetical protein, BPSL1549, from Burkholderia pseudomallei. Prof. Dr. Rahmah Mohamed -UKM
Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
1942011A Burkholderia pseudomallei toxin inhibits helicase activity of translation factor eIF4A.Prof. Dr. Rahmah Mohamed-UKM
Former ED: Prof Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
1952011Characterization of Simple Sequence Repeats in the Asian Seabass, Lates calcarifer by Random Sequencing. Dr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
Prof. Dr. Wan Kiew Lian
1962011MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES PRIMER DEVELOPMENT CONSORTIUM-Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources DatabaseDr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
1972011Development and Validation of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) in Lates calcarifer Vitellogenin.Dr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
1982011Eimeria maxima phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase: locus sequencing, characterization, and cross-phylum comparison. Prof. Dr. Wan Kiew Lian-UKM
1992011A Mutant L-asparaginase II signal peptide improves secretion of recombinant cyclodextrin glucanotransferase and the viability in E. coli.Prof. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias-UTM
2002011Cloning and analysis of pyrG gene encoding orotidine 5-monophosphate decarboxylase of Aspergillus oryzae Strain S1.Prof. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias-UTM
2012011Optimization of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase secretion mediated by Type I secretion pathway in Escherichia coli using response surface methodology.Prof. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias-UTM
2022011Expression optimisation of recombinant α-L-arabinofuranosidase from Aspergillus niger ATCC 120120 in Pichia pastoris and its biochemical characterizationProf. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
2032011Isolation and Selection of Appropriate Cellulolytic Mixed Microbial Cultures for Cellulases Production from Oil Palm Empty Fruit BunchProf. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
2042011Effect of oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) particle size on cellulase production by Botryosphaeria sp. in solid state fermentation.Prof. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
2052011Immunogenicity of a truncated enterovirus 71 VP1 protein fused to a Newcastle Disease Virus nucleocapsid protein fragment in mice.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2062011Immunogenicity of a truncated enterovirus 71 VP1 protein fused to a Newcastle Disease Virus nucleocapsid protein fragment in mice.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2072011Infection of a mouse model Immunized with recombinant EV71 VP1 fragment.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2082011Safety and clinical usage of newcastle disease virus in cancer therapyProf. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2092011The matrix (M) protein of Newcastle disease virus binds to human bax through its BH3 domain.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2102011Molecular cloning, expression and biochemical characterisation of a cold-adapted novel recombinant chitinase from Glaciozyma antarctica PI12. Former ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
2112011The effects of simulated rainfall on immature population dynamics of Aedes albopictus and female ovipositionProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
2122011In vitro antiviral activity of Fisetin, Rutin and Naringenin against Dengue virus type-2Prof. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
2132011Peroxidase Activity after Viral Infection and Whitefly Infestation in Juvenile and Mature Leaves of Solanum lycopersicumProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
2142011Discarded Cigarette Butts Attract Females and Kill the Progeny of Aedes albopictusProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
2152011Antiviral activity of four types of bioflavonoid against dengue virus type-2Prof. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
2162011Modeling and Optimization of Lipase-Catalyzed Production of Succinic Acid Ester Using Central Composite Design Analysis.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2172011Effect of Alcohol Structure on the Optimum Condition for Novozym 435-Catalyzed Synthesis of Adipate Esters,Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2182011Kinetic Behaviours of Free Lipase and Mica-Based Immobilized Lipase Catalyzing the Synthesis of Sugar EstersFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2192011onic Liquid-Supported (ILS) (S)-Pyrrolidine Sulfonamide for Asymmetric Michael Addition Reactions of Aldehydes with NitroolefinsFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2202011Application of Fuzzy Modeling and Optimization in Enzymatic Esterification Process.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2212011High Yield Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Engkabang Fat Esters for the Cosmetic IndustryFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2222011Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Sugar Alcohol Ester.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2232011Chemometric Analysis of Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Xylitol Esters in a Solvent-Free SystemFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2242011Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of a Sugar Alcohol-based Nonionic SurfactantsFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2252011Reductive Alkylation Causes the Formation of a Molten Globule-Like Intermediate Structure in Geobacillus zalihae Strain T1 Thermostable Lipase.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2262011Process Improvement on the Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Oleyl Palmitate, A Wax Ester Via Response Surface Methodology (RSM).Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2272011Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a thermostable organic solvent-tolerant lipase from Bacillus sp. strain 42. Acta Crystallography Section F. Vol 67: 401-403Prof Dr Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abd Rahman-UPM
2282011Hybrid Evolutionary Clonal Selection for Parameter Estimation of Biological ModelProf. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias -UTM
2292011Web Services Non-Functional Classification to Enhance Discovery Speed, InternationalProf. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias -UTM
2302011An improved hybrid of SVM and SCAD for pathway analysisProf. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias -UTM
2312011Lactococcus lactis M4, a potential host for the expression of heterologous proteinsProf. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias -UTM
2322011Overexpression, purification and characterization of the Aspergillus niger endoglucanase, EgIA, in Pichia pastoris.Prof. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
Former ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
2332011Identification of immunoreactive secretory proteins from stationary-phase culture of Burkholderia pseudomalleiFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
2342011Complete killing of Caenorhabditis elegans by Burkholderia pseudomallei is dependent on prolonged direct association with the viable pathogenFasiliti C. elegans
Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
Former ED: Prof. Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
2352010Analysis of the chemical composition of the essential oil of Polygonum minus Huds. using two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF MS).Prof. Dr. Normah Mohd Noor-UKM
2362010Simulation of a Petri net-based model of the terpenoid biosynthetic pathway.Prof. Dr. Normah Mohd Noor-UKM
2372010Transcriptome analysis of the Cryptocaryon irritans tomont stage identifies potential genes for the detection and control of cryptocaryon osis.Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
2382010Investigation of highly unsaturated fatty acid metabolism in the Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer. Dr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
2392010Characterization of the Functional Domain of β2-Microglobulin from the Asian Seabass, Lates calcarifer. Dr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
2402010Eimeria tenella glucose-6-phosphate isomerase: molecular characterization and assessment as a target for anti-coccidial control.Prof. Dr. Wan Kiew Lian (UKM)
Prof Rahmah Mohamed
2412010Enhanced secretory production of hemolysin-mediated cyclodextrin glucanotransferase in Escherichia coli by random mutagenesis of the ABC transporter system.Prof. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias-UTM
2422010Application of the Aqueous Two-phase Thermoseparating Systems of Dehypon® LS 54-the Waxy Maize Starch for Protein Extraction.Prof. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
2432010NDV infection promotes Bax redistribution to mitochondria and cell death in HeLa cells.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2442010Lactobacillus acidophilus as a live vehicle for oral immunisation against chicken anemia virus.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2452010Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Newcastle disease virus genotypes isolated in Malaysia between 2004 and 2005.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2462010Lactobacillus acidophilus as a live vehicle for oral immunisation against chicken anemia virus.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2472010Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Newcastle disease virus genotypes isolated in Malaysia between 2004 and 2005.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2482010Indoor-Breeding of Aedes albopictus in Northern Peninsular Malaysia and Its Potential Epidemiological ImplicationsProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
2492010The Effects of Moisture on Ovipositional Responses and Larval Eclosion of Aedes albopictusProf. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar- UM
2502010Silylation of Mica for Lipase Immobilization as Biocatalysts In EsterificationFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2512010Response Surface Modeling and Kinetic Study of Lipase-Catalyzed Dimethyl Adipate Synthesis.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2522010Optimization of Operational Conditions for Adipate Ester Synthesis in a Stirred Tank Reactor.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2532010On the Importance of the Small Domain in the Thermostability of Thermoalkalophilic Lipases from L1 and T1: Insights from Molecular Dynamics SimulationFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2542010Optimized Enzymatic Synthesis of Levulinate Ester in Solvent-free SystemFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2552010Optimization of Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Xylitol Ester by Taguchi Robust Design Method.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2562010Enzymatic Synthesis of Betulinic Acid Ester as an Anticancer Agent: Optimization Study.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2572010Anticancer Activity of 3-O-Acylated Betulinic Acid Derivatives Obtained by Enzymatic SynthesisFormer Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2582010Spectroscopic data of 3-0-Acetyl-betulinic acid: An antitumor reagent.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2592010Artificial Neural Network Modeling Studies to Predict the Yield of Enzymatic Synthesis of Betulinic Acid Ester.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2602010Lipase Catalyzed Esterification of Betulinic Acid Using Phtalic Anhydride in Organic Solvent Media: Study of Reaction Parameters.Structural Biology Research Center (MGI)
Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2612010Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of highly thermostable L2 lipase from the newly isolated Bacillus sp. L2. Acta Crystallography Section F. Vol 66, 2010, Page: 715-717Prof Dr Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abd Rahman-UPM
2622010Determination of the Differentiation Capacities of Murine Primary Mononucleated Cells and MC-3T3 Cells.Former ED: Dr. Zulkeflie Zamrod
2632010A Novel Text Modeling Approach for Structural Comparison and Alignment of Biomolecules, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Transaction in Computer, 9(7), 675-685.Prof. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias -UTM
2642010Improvement of folate biosynthesis by lactic acid bacteria using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Technology and Biotechnology, 48(2), 243-250.Prof. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias -UTM
2652010Identification of immunogenic proteins of Burkholderia cepacia secretome using proteomic analysisFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
2662010Development & evaluation of Polymerase Chain Reaction assay to detect Burkholderia genes and to differentiate the species in clinical specimensFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
2672010Genome wide transcriptome profiling of a murine acute melioidosis model reveals new insights into how Burkholderia pseudomallei overcomes host innate immunityFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
2682010Profiling of Burkholderia cepacia secretome at mid-logarithmic and early-stationary phases of growthFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
2692009Construction of a polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) pathway based on the interactions of PCOS-related proteins retrieved from bibliomic data.Prof. Madya. Dr. Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussien-UKM
2702009Bioinformatics in Malaysia: Hope, Initiative, Effort, Reality, and Challenges. Prof. Madya Dr. Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussien -UKM
Former ED: Prof Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
Former Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
2712009Across and beyond the divide : the role of interdepartmental teaching in bioinformaticsProf. Madya. Dr. Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussien-UKM
2722009Identification of Immune-related Genes by Analysis of Spleen Expressed Sequence Tags from the Asian Seabass, Lates calcarifer. Dr. Adura Adnan
Prof. Dr. Wan Kiew Lian
2732009Effect of chicken gonadotropin-releasing hormone (cGnRH-II) on plasma steroid hormone, maturation and ovulation in African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell). Dr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
2742009Isolation and Characterization of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (GPD) gene of Trichoderma virens.Prof. Dr. Rosli Md. Illias-UTM
2752009Delignification of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) using Chemical and Microbial Pretreatment MethodsProf. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
2762009Development of extraction system by using thermo-responsive polymer for Bovine Serum Albumin recoveryProf. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
2772009Localization of the antigenic sites of Newcastle disease virus nucleocapsid using a panel of monoclonal antibodies.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2782009Immunogenic properties of recombinant ectodomain of Newcastle disease virus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein expressed in Escherichia coli.Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2792009Application of Artificial Neural Network for Yield Prediction of Lipase Catalyzed Synthesis of Dioctyl Adipate.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2802009Dechipiring the Flexibility and Dynamics of Geobacillus zalihae Strain T1 Lipase at High Temperatures by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2812009Molecular Dynamics Study of The Structure, Flexibility and Dynamics of Thermostable L1 Lipase at High Temperatures.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. BAsyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2822009Effect of Alcohol Chain Length on the Optimum Conditions for Lipase-catalyzed Synthesis of Adipate Esters.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. BAsyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2832009Optimized Lipase Catalyzed Synthesis of Adipate Ester in a Solvent-Free System.Former Research Director: Prof. Dr. BAsyaruddin Abdul Rahman
2842009Comparative analysis of extracellular enzymes and virulence exhibited by Burkholderia pseudomallei from different sourcesFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
2852008Ab-initio protein structure prediction of Leucosporidium antarcticum antifreeze protein using I-TASSER simulations. Biomedical electronics and biomedical informaticsProf. Dr. Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abd Rahman-UPM
Former ED: Prof Emeritus Dr. Nor Muhammad Mahadi
2862008Identification and analysis of a prepro-chicken gonadotropin releasing hormone II (preprocGnRH-II) precursor in the Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer, based on an EST-based assessment of its brain transcriptome. Dr. Adura Mohd Adnan-UKM
Prof. Dr. Wan Kiew Lian
2872008Cloning of Aspergillus niger bglA and expression of recombinant β-glucosidase in methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris.Prof. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
2882008Optimisation of lipase extraction from industrial preparation using aqueous two phase PEG6000/phosphate system.Prof. Dr. Osman Hassan -UKM
2892008The nucleocapsid protein of Newcastle disease virus promotes solubility of the VP2 hypervariable region of infectious bursal disease virus in Escherichia coliProf. Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff- UPM
2902007Burkholderia pseudomallei animal and human isolates from Malaysia exhibit different phenotypic characteristicsFormer Research Director: Prof Dr. Sheila Nathan
9.LIPROTRADEMARK (Class 9: Measuring apparatus)2016055199MALAYSIA 25 March 2016
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